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Wild Boar and boarlets in a wood
The Real Boar Company range of salamis
Wild Boar
100g Wild Boar Salami with Black Truffle
Wild boar foraging in woodland
Wild boar
100g Game Salami
Wild boarlets
Wild boars

Noisette or Medallions of Wild Boar with Fresh Herbs

• Noisettes / Medallions 2-4 per person
• Olive Oil
• Wine Vinegar
• Lovage, mint, chives, parsley
• Yoghurt or single cream

Pack the meat into a dish and sprinkle with wine vinegar and olive oil so that they are barely covered.

Add a small stalk and leaves of lovage, good sprig of mint, some chives and some parsley. All chopped not too finely.

Leave to marinade for and hour or so, turning occasionally. Drain off as much marinade as possible, wet meat will not brown so easily.

Heat some butter in a large pan that is smoking hot and sear on each side, before reducing the heat and cooking to taste.

As steaks are done remove to warm serving dish.

Pour the marinade and herbs into the pan and gently cook for a minute or so, until all the pan juices have been amalgamated. At the last minute check the seasoning and pour in the cream or yoghurt and serve.

Roast Haunch or Saddle

• 4lb leg or Saddle Wild Boar

• 1 Bottle Red Wine
• 4 crushed Juniper Berries
• Glass of Brandy
• 2 Sliced Onions
• 1 Clove of Garlic
• 1 Sliced Carrot
• 1 Bay Leaf
• Salt and pepper

Marinate the joint for 8 hours. Drain, dry and ‘lard’ it with butter, cook in preheated oven at 220c, gas mark 7 for 10 mins, turn down to 200c gas mark 6, and baste frequently with melted butter and some of the marinade for another hour.

Make a sauce with the pan juices, and glass of brandy (burnt) and enough of the marinade to absorb all the crusty bits sticking to the pan.

Serve with roast potatoes and vegetables of your choice.

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